Articles by admin

Alternative Methods

In a couple of weeks I will be teaching ethics and positionality in field research in this great course On Alternative Methods, Remote Edition, organized by Otherwise: Elisabet Dueholm Rasch works at the Sociology of…

ABv-LASSA event on Remote Ethnography

Wauw! More than 500 people from all over the world (The Philippines, the US, India, Denmark, Poland, Japan, Chile, among many other countries) attended the first ABv-LaSSA webinar of 2021 on remote ethnography. Many thanks…

Gender and/in natural resource conflicts

Preparing for the guest lecture in Esha Shah’s course “Gender and Natural Resource Management”. I love giving this lecture: 1,5 hours unlimited talking about Guatemala and the topics that I find important. In the lecture…

Fieldwork in Guatemala

De afgelopen weken plaatste ik veel foto’s van bergen, vulkanen en andere natuur. Ik wist niet wat en hoe ik kon schrijven over de gesprekken die ik had met territory defenders over continue (doods)bedreigingen, ervaringen…